Thursday, December 17, 2015

Journey 3.0

16 December 2015
Journey 3.0

At times like this, I wonder what we mean to each other. Friends? Close friends? Best friends? I don't know. I feel like how I view us is different from how you view us.

Sometimes, I think you know. But sometimes, I think you don't. This is so ambigious that it's killing me on the inside. Which brings me to the next question: Why? Why do I care so much about how you view us?

My only conclusion is that walks are supposed to be nice but it is not really. I don't want to think about anything but I always end up thinking about that one thing. Just one. I do feel more relaxed and all but then, I will realise that things are still the same and I will start thinking about it again :((

I am sad. So sad. So damn sad. 

I don't know. What was supposed to be the plan to 'cut all ties and go with the flow', kinda backfired. Or maybe i just gave up. Haha. I think I did. Or maybe I chose to delude myself to think that things are different or will be different. 


Friday, December 11, 2015

Yet Again

12 December 2015
Yet Again

Can't all of you see that I am trying over here? But no matter what I do, I can only see the negatives. Honestly speaking, do any of you try? Because obviously, you don't get things done. Not now, not ever. Do you even try, as in make an effort or at least an attempt?

Seriously. I look like I am okay but I am not okay with this. Am I such a push-over? Don't even bring friendships into this because from my point of view, this ain't how you treat your friends. Or anyone. At all.

Trying to look at the more postive side? I tried okay. And others call me gullible and naive because of that. I am not gullible or naive. I know. I know what the situation is like so DON'T YOU DARE MESS WITH ME.

If only I don't care about people's opinions about me. I would have blown up a long time ago and set things straight. But being the "gullible" and "naive" person I am, I am going to let this pass. I am going to let you off. I am going to let myself suffer. Yet again.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


8 December 2015

Your true self exposed
Broken, yet beautiful
 You are perfection

Maybe... Just maybe, I am in love with you.


Monday, December 7, 2015


7 December 2015

At times like this, I question...

Was it men who tainted this world?

Or was it the world who tainted men?