Monday, December 25, 2017


25 December 2017

Slowly, will and hope diminish. Amongst the chaos, love and light are almost gone.

During these dark times, my heart wavers again. Just like it used to, even when there is light.

There is nothing but darkness pulsing in the core of my empty soul.

Life is big and meaningful. But compared to it, we choose to live lives that are so small and meaningless. 

"We are the choice that we make", they say. You are the choice that you made. 

Saturday, December 23, 2017


24 December 2017

Sometimes, what we need is just a dream. A dream bigger than what we believe we can do. Just to push the limits of what we were told we could not do.

Monday, October 9, 2017


10 October 2017

"This is why I forgive, but I dont forget. When you forget someone, the forgiveness doesnt mean anything anymore. So, lets say she left. Fine. You forgive her for that. Good. But you'll never, ever forget her." - Excerpt from I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga (April 2012)

Monday, October 2, 2017

Pick Me Up

2 October 2017
Pick Us Up

"You cant figure yourself out. You pretend to know things even when you didnt, and figure things out on your own. Wouldnt it be wonderful if someone passing by stops for a while to reach in and pick us up?" - Excerpt from Pick Me Up by Kelvin Lim Kian Meng (May 2008)

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Reason to Live

12 August 2017
Reason to Live

"I still dont know the reason why I should live. No one can actually know it. It's not that a person lives because he knows the reason to do so.

Life is filled with limitless possibilities you cannot label. Its with endless twists and turns, with countless moments of joy and sadness. That's how everyone lives. Sometimes you curl up, and sometimes you reach out. Sometimes you wish to remain a lonely island, but you also wait for loud crashes of waves. It feels imperfect.

You just got the wrong answer, then left this world. You just turned off the most beautiful piece of music at it's intro. You walked past a pretty flower in the rain. Your life that you were so certain that it was only with darkness, it was just your room that you hadn't flickered the light switch on. It could've changed. It could've been better. That's why you were wrong.

So I decided that I'll never get tired of it. Even if its just this world, I wont give up."  - Jang Dong-Yoon as Han Ji-Hoon in Solomon's Perjury (2016)

Saturday, August 5, 2017


5 August 2017

From the "why are things like this" to "how can it change". It's the small changes in your mindset that keeps you going in life.

Sunday, July 2, 2017


30 June 2017

Having been surrounded by so much innocence and purity, I unconciously turned back time in my mind. Because I forgot who I was before I became who I am now. 

And so, I immersed myself into my childhood days. Feeling the things that I felt. Doing the things that I did. Talking about the things that I talked about. Laughing. Smiling. Having fun. Just being alive.

But I was being alive for too long. 
I forgot what being an adult meant. It meant responsibilties. It meant restrictions. It meant giving up. It meant not living. 

I wanted to be someone they can rely on. 

Now, inside, I am confused. The road is dark and I do not know the way. 

Now, my internal compass points nowhere. I am broken, and lost. 

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Journey 5.0: Fear

11 February 2017
Journey 5.0: Fear

Just a moment of realization that I never really faced my fears before. Instead, I always pretended that all is fine even when deep inside, I am shaking in fear.

Would exposing myself to my inner demons make me feel more at ease? To truly understand that it's okay even if I'm fearful. 


It's okay, I can cry. 
It's okay, even if I can't cry.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Journey 6.0: Prison

27 February 2017
fastforward to Journey 6.0: Prison

Burdened by the sentence,
A prison of expectations.

I stand alone.